When you register and create an account with StarJD.Com, you gain access to the services available on the platform by selecting either a basic or premium plan. Upon choosing a premium plan, you will have access to enhanced features and services for the duration of the plan you opt for.
Please note that, as of now, the Company does not provide a direct option for canceling the premium plan after it has been selected. However, at the sole discretion of the Company, cancellations and refunds may be considered in specific cases.
In the event that you do not renew your premium plan before its expiration, all premium features and services associated with the plan will be automatically downgraded to the basic level. After expiration, you are free to upgrade to the premium plan again at any time by referring to the Pricing Policy available at StarJD.com Pricing Policy. Once you choose a new premium plan, it will be activated from the date your payment is successfully processed through your selected payment method.
The Company reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time without prior notice. By continuing to use the platform, users accept any amended terms of this Policy.
SuGanta International may, at its discretion, update or amend this Policy without prior notice to users. Continued use of the platform after such amendments indicates your acceptance of the revised terms.